Thursday 6 June 2013

Bearded Dragons

As everyone can see from my previous posts, I am a massive fan of snakes. Although I must admit that I find all reptiles interesting and majestic. In the next few posts, I will be researching and looking into what other reptiles there are and if they make great pets. I myself would love to get a leopard gecko but at the moment my three snakes are enough to be content with and lack of room is an issue.

In today’s post I will be looking at very common pet reptiles which are bearded dragons. Bearded dragons are popular and are relatively easy to keep. Normally the dragons handle well and refrain from biting despite of their name. Like all animals, each lizard has their own personality and some enjoy attention and may even smile from time to time!

Bearded Dragon Showing Beard

Like snakes, lizards have specific needs and these must be met. Firstly they need a vivarium, tank or rub. Electronic necessities include a basking bulb which should be set to around 40⁰C with surrounding temperatures of 28⁰C.  A UV light is also required for around half a day. The basking bulb may emit light and this should be taken into consideration if you want to simulate natural conditions. Furthermore, if you decide that you wish to provide a realistic environment for night-time, you may require a different heat source, for example a ceramic bulb.

Another item that is required for a bearded dragon is substrate which is needed to line the housing. Perfect bedding includes: sand, bark chips and newspaper. They will also need a place to hide in order to feel secure. As dragons love to , a branch would be suitable and there are many beautiful artificial branches on the reptile market. Water and feeding dishes are also important. Furthermore, a great addition for the lizard is a basking rock.

Feeding is also a major factor when owning any reptile. A bearded dragon is an omnivorous reptile and therefore requires a diet with a ratio of about 80% insect and 20% vegetation.  A beardie can eat mealworms, crickets, small grass hoppers, earthworms, waxworms, spiders and roaches with the more popular choice being crickets and locusts for when they are adults. Make sure you dust the insects with calcium powder to aid growth.  As for vegetation they will eat dandelion leaves, cabbage, turnip greens, nasturtiums, squash, broccoli, apples, clover, green beans, carrots, melon, grapes, peaches and bananas (with skin). Ensure that all fruit and vegetables are chopped to size and do your research as they will only eat certain types of vegetables and fruit.  They require to be fed 4-5 times per week.

If you are lucky enough to live in a country with good weather, you can allow your lizard to bask in natural sunlight for up to twenty minutes per day. This is something that they seem to enjoy. Bearded dragons are also very territorial creatures and will assert their dominance via head bobbing. I personally think that this behavior is cute and comical. In response to this, more submissive bearded dragons will circulate their front legs in a waving motion. Sorry to go all 50 shades of grey!

Unlike snakes when lizards shed, the whole shed may not come off in one go. This is normal as if you consider the limbs that the shed would have to negotiate around. When your lizard is in shed, take note of how the shed is coming off and if it is in medium to large sized pieces, it means it is going well. Once the lizard has fully shed, check their head, tail and limbs for any stuck shed.

Sometimes bearded dragons are kept in 2 or more numbers. It is very important that if you decide to get more than one beardie, that you get them together as they are territorial animals and may fight if they feel their turf is being threatened. 

Albino Beardie

You can get many different types of bearded dragon such as the German Giant Bearded Dragons, Leatherbacks and Silkbacks. There are also many different colours and types of bearded dragon (red, translucent, hypo and het traits). So you will be spoiled for choice.

Red Bearded Dragon

I will be following this post with additional information on other types of reptiles that you can keep as a pet.

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