Saturday 22 March 2014


Back in October 2013 I got a mojave royal python and he went off his food. After trying a few techniques, he was still refusing to feed. I tried braining and changed his food item as I wanted to try everything before multimammate mice as royals can get a taste for them and refuse everything else. When I was feeding my snakes on Thursday night, my corns refused to eat jumbo mice. I thought instead of wasting it I will try the mojave expecting a refusal but to my surprise (I near had a heart attack) he struck and ate it. I must say, when a fasting royal decides to eat, it is happiness in a nutshell!! I just hope he will keep this up.

If anyone has a fasting royal that is a good weight (mine was 1050g when he ate) remember: the key is not to panic unless they are losing loads of weight. It is a good idea to keep records of their weight to ensure they are not losing too much weight and just be patient as eventually they should eat. 

For further information, click here.


  1. Hooray! its always great when they start eating again after a fast

  2. It is awesome when they start eating after a fast. This little guy can be fussy, although he has fed for two consecutive weeks now. Fingers crossed he keeps it up so we can build up his weight. :)


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