Sunday, 12 July 2015

My Top 10 Favourite Reptiles

There are so many wonderful reptiles throughout the world and I have been lucky to be able to see lots of different reptiles in person. In today's post, I am going to try and list my top 10 favourite reptiles and a few reasons why I have chosen them for my list.

1. Ball Python/Royal Python (Python Regius)

I have selected ball pythons because I have 9 of them in my small collection of reptiles. I love the fact that they come in a variety of paint jobs and the genetics behind them is extremely interesting. They are also quite easy to care for and have such a lovely nature, they would never strike out at a person for no good reason. They are furthermore impressive without growing overly large.

2. Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis macularius)

I have selected Leopard Geckos as they make wonderful pets and are one of the easiest lizards to care for and similar to ball pythons they come in amazing colours and patterns. They usually have a docile nature and are simple to handle although they can drop their tail, so they do have to be handled gently. If they do drop their tail it will regenerate but not look the same as before.

3. Crested Gecko (Rhacodactylus ciliatus)

I just love crested geckos and hope to own one soon. They are very photogenic and come in some beautiful morphs that don't break the bank. They are inquisitive and love to jump; don't be surprised if one jumped from your shoulder to your head in an instant!!! Similar to a leopard gecko, they can drop their tail if spooked and sadly they are unable to regenerate it.

4. Burmese Python (Python bivittatus)

I have selected Burmese pythons due to the fact that they are in general less feisty than other large constrictors. Burmese pythons are not for everyone as they need a large space to roam and are large snakes with a heavy body. To keep one I would advise doing lots of research and only recommend them for a responsible adult with experience. Although they are a large constrictor they in NO way deserve the negative reputation bestowed upon them by the media. I have handled a few Burmese pythons and find them to be timid. Any incidents that occur are usually down to owners' negligence.

5. Rhino Iguana (Cyclura cornuta)

Rhino Iguanas are stunning and not commonly kept in the pet trade. They are a large and impressive lizard that can live for up to 80 years in captivity. They are omnivores who like a bit of protein in their diets. They are for advanced keepers as some can have a bit of an attitude! They are quite prehistoric in appearance and look like a mini dinosaur! 

6. Diamondback Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox)


I don't know why but I have a fascination with rattlesnakes. Every time I hear the sound of one rattling it gives me goosebumps! They are an adept hunter that uses hemotoxic venom to incapacitate their prey. They look visually stunning and come in a variety of morphs. They should never be kept in captivity by an inexperienced keeper as a bite from one could ruin your life. Depending on where you live you may need a permit or license to keep one in captivity.



7. Hog Island Boa (Boa Constrictor Imperator)

I love hog island boas due to their docile attitude and the fact they do not reach large lengths, typically 5-6 foot. I have found them to be inquisitive but not aggressive despite some negative reputation. They are visually striking and have bright tails! They also bare live young.

8. American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)

American Alligators are fairly large and could be considered quite dangerous. They live in semi aquatic environments. When in captivity they are not for the faint hearted. They average between 6-9ft with males being larger than females. They are carnivorous and feed on a variety of meats.

9. King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)

King Cobras are the peacock of the snake world, they are visually stunning and make an impressive display animal. Similar to the rattlesnake, king cobras use a venom which unlike the rattlesnake is neurotoxic to incapacitate their prey. Like all venomous reptiles they are not to be taken light heartily in the pet trade as a bite from one can be fatal. 

10. Chameleons (Chamaeleonidae)

Chameleons are visually beautiful and can lighten and darken their colour depending on their mood and environment. They have independent eyes, which allows them to have a better view of their surroundings. They also have a tongue that is 1.5 to 2X the length of their body. They are perfect for experienced keepers as they need a high humidity and can be feisty.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Pigmy Rattlesnakes (Sistrurus Miliarius)

Pigmy Rattlesnakes have three different subspecies which are:

Carolina Pigmy Rattlesnake

Dusky Pigmy Rattlesnake

Western Pigmy Rattlesnake

They are also known as ground or sand rattlers and are found in the southeast and southern midwest USA basking on sunny days in the morning and early evening. Just like their larger relatives, pigmy rattlesnakes have the distinctive rattle although because it is small it can be more difficult to hear, resembling more of an insect buzz than a rattle. They vary in colour from pale greys to black, brown, red, pink, orange, blue and lavender although there are always a series of black or brown blotches down their backs.

Pigmy rattlesnakes average around two feet in length although some Dusky Pigmies have been recorded over 30 inches.

Pigmies can live more than 20 years with proper care and become sexually mature at around 3 years.

A fully grown adult pigmy rattlesnake can live in a 20 gallon long aquarium (or 2-3 ft vivarium) and pairs or trios can be housed together in a 30 or 40 gallon 'breeder' tank. If they are housed together, separate them at feeding time to avoid accidents. Remember, these are venomous snakes so a completely secure, lockable, escape-proof enclosure is a necessity.

As previously stated, pigmies enjoy basking and therefore should be provided an area in the upper 80 - low 90 in Fahrenheit. Ambient temperatures should be in the low 80s with an optional drop at night of 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't forget to ensure the enclosure is large enough for the snake to thermoregulate.

Due to their size, pigmies look great in naturalistic displays although substrate can range from newspaper to cypress mulch.

Neonates can eat a variety of food such as mouse pinkies, small lizards, small fish, insects and smaller snakes. Juveniles to adults should eat appropriately-sized rodents. As with other reptiles, clean fresh water should be provided at all times. Pigmies may quickly hide from being misted but will explore after the misting is done.

Safety and Venom
Safety is a MUST for these snakes. They are NOT for beginners. The enclosure needs to be secured and locked. Due to their smaller size, pigmies are more difficult to hook and do not try to 'tail' them as they are fast. Their hemotoxic venom is delivered in small amounts and no documented fatalities have been recorded in human adults but there are records of prolonged hospitalization and necrosis in children who have been bitten. If an adult is bitten, they will experience several unpleasant days. Careful consideration and extensive research must be conducted before deciding to purchase one of these animals. In the UK, a DWA (Dangerous Wild Animal) license is required to keep these snakes however there may be protocols/licenses/requirements in other countries that the owner must adhere to. Please check with your authorities before owning one of these animals.